Ship’s Service

logistics services for the ship traffic

With years of experience in delivering and coordinating logistics for ships, we have extensive expertise in both the cruise & cargo-ship industry. Our service extends to servicing all ports, large and small, including Esbjerg, Skagen, Frederikshavn, Aarhus, Aalborg, Kalundborg, Køge and Copenhagen and more. We have a proven track record of handling shipments to ensure timely and reliable delivery to vessels at every port of call. Whether it’s provisioning cruise liners or managing cargo operations for freighters, we are committed to providing the best service tailored to the unique needs of you.  

  • 24-Hour service
  • Bonded warehouse storing
  • Fast delivery
  • Handling of offload / Landings

Ship delivery on time - worldwide

Storage - customs-cleared and non-customs-cleared goods

Handling supplies, spare parts and baggage

Delivery to the ship, possibly urgent tasks around the clock

Follow-up on shipments to the ship

Customs formalities

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